Stainless Steel Tank Cooling & Heating Jackets

Dimpled Stainless Steel Tank Cooling & Heating Jackets
We manufacture high-quality low-pressure dimpled cooling and heating jackets for glycol and water. These are also available for cooling in high-pressure flow of freon or ammonia. These systems ensure continuous, precise control of temperature.
Refer to Glycol Flow Chart for differences in channel and dimpled jackets.
Dimpled Cooling & Heating Panels/Press-Dimpled Jackets
Dimpled cooling & heating panels (left) may be installed in tanks during fabrication or in storage tanks on-site at the winery. Press-dimpled heating and cooling jackets (right) are easily added to existing tanks. Both may also be added to existing inefficient temperature control systems. Comes in polished finish or standard 2B.
Heating or cooling jackets may be added to the floor for immediate heat transfer to wine as you fill. They can be placed on tanks set on stands or concrete pads. The heat transfer surface may also sometimes be added to exisiting tanks in the field.

Channel Jackets
Tanks with channel jackets can keep wine chilled or heated with a mixture of glycol and water circulating through channels at low pressure.
Glycol Flow Chart
- For Dimpled and Channel Jackets with standard 1″ inlet.
- Solid line equals GPM/PSI in dimpled jacket.
- Dotted line equals GPM/PSI in channel jacket.
- Pressure drop across jacket equals 0.60 PSI per foot of diameter.
- Coefficient “U” (BTU/HR/FT2/°F)
- Not agitated equals 35